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I hate school

Posted by Sourcream


Forum: Automotive

I think we could all agree that school is the worst invention of mankind and that it not so good for ur health therefore we should all work together on bombing all schools on earth for the greater good.

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Reply by furhad


wrong forum, but let me tell you something

i used to also hate school, but i grew up to love it no matter the inconveniences, nowadays when i go for a walk in the morning having absolutely nothing to do and see kids walking to school? i remember these days, and miss them dearly, my best days in school were during my senior years in a industrial school learning HVAC, even though my somewhat limited skills on HVAC didn't get me far for a job or a carrier, but all it matters is the friends and experiences and fun i had along the way

don't look at the bad side, but the positive and bright sides

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Reply by Kajtek


It's not the school being bad invention, that's the education system in your country or your particualr school. I feel you though. Just like furhad said, try to benefit from the good things as much as you can, as you need to attend school anyway.

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