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5 years from now

Posted by Ari_sucks


Forum: Life

Since Trump is gonna be president soon, I think our schools and economic systems are gonna be fucked to the MAX. I don't understand how people think this guy actually give a fuck about us. He just wants to control the country.

5yrs from now, I also think we're gonna have more natural storms from climate change, causing more people to die. 

And also me personally, I think from 5 years from now, I'ma be homeless. On the streets, looking for drugs. Or either in college somewhere. I honestly don't know.

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Reply by Mate


I definitely agree. As for how can people trust this guy? Idk. People will believe anything and anyone when things are tough and scary. And I think its a mixture of just not knowing enough to not believe them. Or knowing just enough that they think they know well enough. 

It's definitely gonna get worst before it gets better. Economically, educational and with the climate.

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