my favorite manga that's only two volumes and has been on hiatus for like three years is getting picked up again and is getting an anime adaptation, so naturally i have to be alive for that lol. i also recently (about a year ago) i got into a new hobby, sewing, and i really like being able to make cosplays of more obscure characters that would cost a fortune to buy premade. getting to wear them at cons is really nice too bc the ppl that recognize the characters get really happy someone is cosplaying them. going to conventions is something i started doing this year and i like being able to look forward to the next one and making something new for it. i also splurged a little bit recently and ordered a miku nendoroid and a doll body which will become a miku doll and i'm super excited to make pretty outfits and mini versions of my cosplays for her!
my current reasons to live aren't really the most profound things ever, but i think any reason to live is a good one. i struggle with major depressive disorder and having a bunch of silly stuff to look forward to really helps me get through the week ^^