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What made you turn away from God?

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Reply by death from above


idk, i never believed anyway i think, i was raised catholic and went to church but it was always just a task than anything else

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Reply by Wonder :) (Lost my old account)


I never really believed in God. It was sort of like how I believed in Santa Claus as a kid; I understood that it was impossible, but every part of pop culture told me that the non-believers are the bad guys, so I pretended like I believed and lied to myself about it. Then as I got older I learned the whole atheistic philosophy: “if god is all-knowing, benevolent, and all-powerful, then why do bad things happen? He can’t be all three and still allow bad things to happen.” Etc. And not to mention the Homophobia, contradictions in the Bible, mistranslations in the Bible, the psychological damage it did to me as I was growing up, and the actual death count of Christianity. Besides, I never really chose to be Christian, I was born into it, so…

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Reply by Gabitu


I believe at the age 12 than I stopped 

I started to be atheist but know I have 17 years old and I m satanic 

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Reply by zahra


I used to be a religious Catholic, I would pray, go to church every Sunday yet I never felt any connection with God. Did research on the Bible itself and in my perspective it all is a lie. Converted to Islam alhamdulillah💞

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