hi all! Vent is an app that's been running since 2015 but now it's shutting down & i really liked doing tag memes on there so i will be using this thread to archive as many as i can before then. feel free to contribute and paste tag memes you'd like archived as well!
indexed by type:
- about you
- checklists
- random questions
- themed questions
- love and dating
- this or that
- category
- favorites
- tag yourself
- mixed and misc.
some notes.
on vent, you'd choose what color to post in every time you made a post, and there used to be a way to make text appear in that same color (usernames and links, but any word or number could become a link with a simple trick). everything that was made to be in the same color as the post, i've put in bold for now as the color settings don't seem to work. for future reference: it doesn't matter what color you pick, as long as every colored word in a single post shares the same one!
so far, all of the tag memes that i downloaded onto my computer are from one account, TagMemeSurveys. i'm hoping to download tag memes from other sources as well, especially since the "which X are you" kind were really popular a few years back. vent ius entering read-only mode sometime between today and monday, and i don't know if the search function will still be available then. wish me luck and, please! don't be shy to submit tag memes that you've found!