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Black Ops Midnight Relase

Posted by Gamingnerd89


Forum: Games

I work at best buy and our store was one of the many that held a midnight release for the new call of duty game, black ops. I was able to grab myself a copy of the prestige edition but i wasn't working, i am currently on my lap top in my car after grabbing it from the HORDES of people trying to get this game, lucky for me i got it cheap with my discount but on the other hand my co workers were pissed i was their since they had to re open the store and i got to go home rofl but i got the game for me an my buddy Joshua who brought us folding chairs as we played WoW taking turns on each others accounts. The night was fun but it was cold as hell i got my game and im going to play all night Wednesday night since i have the 11th off, but if anyone got the game tonight or later when other stores open comment or shoot me a msg and if anyone has a unused gold cold hit me up since josh spent his money on the game because he is a dumbass.

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