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How do you start a relationship??

Do you have to flirt from the start (and it has to be discrete or not) ? Can friends become lovers? How do you know if someone is in love with you?

I never had a true romantic relationship and I'm confused about how someone starts them

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Reply by airbluest


to answer your bit about if friends can become lovers: they can, i’m living that reality lmao. i’m not super experienced and i still can’t flirt to save my life. it’s a little clichéd but i think if there’s someone out there for you, they’ll come when they come. especially considering how young you are, there’s really no rush to find someone. a partner is a wonderful bonus, but that’s about it. a bonus, not a need. 

sorry if you were hoping for something more constructive :”) but i wish you all the best

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Reply by bloom1


I guess you wouldn't really have to ask how to start a relationship if you were completely confident with the person you were talking to in my opinion, I do think this is something you should communicate to the other person about on a serious term in private.

You know when someone is in love with you, not by glances or a quick smirk, or a couple words - a devoted interested person is in love with you when they spend the time knowing your interests - they would mute out the world just to talk for hours with you and to communicate with you. And so that when they look at you sometimes, there's this shimmery glittering look in their eyes that makes you feel warm and safe. That's the difference. 

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