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Simple MP3 player with micro SD slot

Posted by noriaki (nure)


Forum: Music

I'm going dumb (I have a dumb phone now), but still use my smartphone for music. So I thought, why not get an MP3 player!
Any recommendations? I've been looking at Sony Walkman NWZ-E394, but I'd prefer something that can take a memory card of some kind
I've looked at the fancier Walkmans too, but idk having apps and Android OS isn't quite what I want :/

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Reply by maxzgrdn


have you bought it yet? i personally think cd player is better! why dont you use an ipod instead though?

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Reply by noriaki (nure)


Actually, I found my old iPod Nano! It still works too despite not being turned on for a few years! ♡

Though I think I'll look at a CD player anyway! I've gotten some CDs now that I like a lot, and the CD player I have now has close to no bass

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