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Bad anxiety and would like to make friends

Posted by duck b


Forum: Friends

I haven't had any friends in years (I moved and then did homeschool). I've got severe social anxiety and have a hard time reaching out and meeting ppl irl. I don't want my anxiety to completely shut me out from society, so I'm trying online. 

I am 18 and from South Carolina, I'd like to make friends my age or a bit older and have people I can talk to. I love making arts, crafts and reading and cooking.

Also, this is my first time trying to make friends online, so I don't really know what I'm doing, sorry, love you.

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Reply by Nyu⋆ᡣ𐭩˖°


We can definitely be friends!! I’m also an artist and love making crafts :3

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Reply by Just_a_Man


I can be your friend! I don't really know either how make friends online tho x) I also like art and physiology :) 

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Reply by maejstrom


hii also love arts and crafts!!

im not great at cooking but i know a bit about it bc of my dad (he's obsessed) 

i also have pretty bad anxiety so maybe it'll cancel out like PEMDAS

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