Hi! I know both of my forum posts so far about my mp3 player, so I probably seem like.. a guy without an actual life :P
I currently have an AGPTEK A02s and TRIED to get ROCKBOX running on it, and failed. I have an old Timmkoo MP3 Player that doesn't really work well anymore that I've considered tinkering with for others who have one in working order, too.
My HOTECHs one is entirely frickin fried!! That's the one that I'm probably just gonna give to my baby cousin as a prop.
Most of the ROCKBOX compatible models on the website I cannot find online for like.. a reasonable price, and I'm currently working on a holiday wishlist so was curious about putting one on there. Opensource software and coding has always interested me so.. this is a natural progression from DualBooting my old chromebook with Linux and modified chrome OS.