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Any stovetop recipes?

Posted by Kaid


Forum: Food and Restaurants

Howdy! I've been trying to find some stovetop recipes since I don't have an oven and been meaning to make more than just pastas lol. What are some recipes you make?

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Reply by Gray


I don't have a recipe because this is something I made up and just eyeball and dump things into the pot, but I sometimes cook turkey sausage and cabbage together. 

I get precooked sausage, slice it, and brown it in a pot with olive oil. I remove it then add chicken broth and try to scrap off the brown bits. Then I add stuff like salt, pepper, onion powder, mustard, vinegar, and worcestershire sauce. Sometimes I might add a can of diced tomatoes. Let that boil, add in the cut up cabbage, add the sausage, then turn down the heat and let it simmer for a few hours until the tenderness of the cabbage is to your liking. 

Of course the liquid is super salty so I don't recommend drinking it. 

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Reply by Kaid


I'll have to try that out!

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