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Coping skills?

Posted by Elizabeth♥


Forum: Life

I've struggled with a lot of personal mental health stuff over the last few years and I was wondering if anyone had any positive coping skills that therapy doesn't normally tell you about? Or if y'all learned any that work really really well please share.

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Reply by xXMeechisHeartlessXx


Start small, and work your way up. The amount of times I have overwhelmed myself from making a list of things I need to get done in my head everyday is crazy, There's often no one around to tell you that you are doing too much, or to take a break, which makes it's really easy to get tangled in a web of stress. If you can even manage to make your bed everyday that's a huge step.

Times are tough, don't beat yourself up for doing what you can! because that already means you're trying your best! and all anyone can do is their best

I know this may or may not be helpful as to what you're feeling, but my depression always swings HARD when things feel like they're piling up.

Hope this helps even a little!! 💖

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Reply by Mate


I don't know if this is any better than what a therapist recommends but for me personally just trying to take it one day at a time. Expressing how you feel helps a lot and if you need to cry, let it out. I hate to be one of those people but I think mantras do/can help. I also don't like saying this cause it seems so trivial????? But I know I've been super angry/upset and I just either ate something, took a lil nap, or had some water, and I felt better. Sometimes doing a good deed helps us feel better as well.

What also helps me is the music i listen to like if I need a reminder on how good I am, how far I will go, or to get me into a good mood there's certain albums/artists I'll listen to. I like madonna and cher specifically for those reasons cause a lot of their music gets me going or has lyrics that remind me I'm strong enough, I'm great, and I just goyta continue being me.

But what has also helped me a lot is just reminding myself to just be kind, do your best, and if you can have fun 'cause that's all you can really do.

It definitely gets better and I hope you're feeling/doing better....Or you will at least be :)

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