Hey guys, recently i have been trying to edit some simple things in my profile, such as the blurbs. But they're not saving, no matter how many times i edit them. I make sure to click "save all", but it still doesn't work. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
I have no idea of what i am doing here, just tossing some words around...here's the codes of my profile, hope this helps with better understanding.
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/* add to friends */
content: "🧚🏻♀️"
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/* add to favorite */
content: "📻"
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/* send a message */
content: "📼"
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/* foward to friend*/
content: "📸"}
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/* instant message */
content: "🔪"
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/* block user */
content: "🔭"
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/* add 2 group */
content: "💿"
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/* report */
content: "🖋"
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.friends#comments .heading:before{ content: "The Comments!!~.˚𖤐🦉"; font-size:.8rem; font-weight:bold;
color:White; }
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.profile .table-section .heading h4:before{ content: "My Interests & My Socials!!~.˚𖤐🚬"; font-size:.8rem; font-weight:bold;
color:White; }
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.contact .heading:before{ content: "Say Hi!!~.˚𖤐💾"; font-size:.8rem; font-weight:bold;
color:White; }
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