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I wanna try getting high because I'm stuck at home n shit, considering benadryl or robo but I'm scared. What should I expect?? I'll probably do a low dose, I've read up a little on what it does to you but I'm still nervous. 

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Reply by Natty Daddy


just drop acid or do shrooms instead.  benadryl is not fun at all and overuse can cause dementia later in life. 

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Reply by ~Sidzz x~


do shrooms or drop some ecstasy and chill.. better than that crap

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Reply by Francesca <3


Robotripping involves you really knowing what kind of medication you're using. There are only a few medicines that are just DXM and most meds with DXM have Acetaminophen (tylenol) and Guafenisin (Mucinex) that are really bad for your body in large doses. You need to take a lot but not too much or you end up in a hell realm. It makes you puke no matter what and it can also take away your inhibition in weird ways like flashing your friend or ending up in an impromptu relationship with a friend. You are way less likely to hurt yourself with weed or shrooms.

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Reply by Graffiti


i think u should put the cough syrup down and do your algebra 1 homework instead

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Reply by cosmicsystem


smoke some weed instead x3

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Reply by lizz


my man smoke some weed LMFAO

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