my mind is hazy, clouded by nonstop screaming
Topic: Improv
Reply by Crow
Reply by iamperoxide
Reply by The BX Prodigy Zav Merk
Grand scheme of things
Reply by rhubarb
Reply by Cesar
Check it out!
The young child says,
"Check it out!"
No one looks.
"Check it out!"
No one looks.
"Check it out!"
The child says over and over again, until eventually it gets tired of asking. Before you know it, the child is no longer young, no longer a child and it's stops trying.
Stop to check it out from time to time. Someone's life may be depending on it.
Reply by vic_zombi3
no one looks.
i feel eyes burning into my head
but when i turn, nobody is looking.
no one looks.
what if my hair looks bad,
or my makeup looks off?
will i stand out too much?
no one looks.
i walk through the halls in fear
without any source at all
and when i look around
nobody has noticed
my bad hair,
or my runny eyeliner,
or my chipped nail polish.
no one looks.
Reply by barely.set.dining.table
without any source at all,
no one looks.
go on, go on
we can crowd around the campfire
for as long as we want to.
our voices cannot drown out
the depth of darkness
that lurks over our heads.
the moon is so brave
to stand in that very depth;
so kind she is too,
that she would ask to borrow the sun's light
just to make us feel safe.
Reply by deddy roze
Up this bleak hill
No horizon, and a slip away from The End.
For such a cheap thrill,
Once again, we play pretend.
Reply by adam_lol :3
Tear off your hair, tear off your skin, tear out your organs and give them your heart, that will make you selfish when you refuse to give them your bones.
Reply by adam_lol :3
Why is always the nostalgia the worst way to be conformist?
U remember u past like the prettiest thing, but u know deeply thats not true.
Why we always remember the good things, as a method to think that this was our place, to feel that we had a space in which it was us, our childhood we remember with joy.
but maybe, just maybe, that past child hated his present, and longed for his future, future the which you are wasting dreaming about the past.
nostalgia feels good, but it's scary, you just want to be an unconscious child again, right?
that child was not unconscious.