« Books and Stories Forum

Operation: Pure Love.

Posted by Eider


Forum: Books and Stories

So.. I was reading this comic and it GOT ME like... i read it in only 2 days and I can only think about it.
Someone know if it is finished?? cuz I CAN'T SLEEP 4THAT and i couldn't found anything about it...

Btw, what y'all think about the comic? personally i hate Ra-im with my whole soul. 


ASI QUE... estaba leyendo este comic Y ME ATRAPO tipo.. lo lei en solo 2 dias y ahora solo puedo pensar en ello.
Alguien sabe si esta finalizado?? xq NO PUEDO DORMIR X ESO y no pude encontrar nada sobre ello... 

xcierto, que opinan sobre el comic? personalmente odio a la maldita de Ra-im con todo mi ser.

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