Or really any other tabletop RPG. I've been playing D&D for about 4 years now and it's probably my favorite hobby since. I'd like to see if there's anyone else who's played it for long enough to share their game stories. Also recently started playing Monster of the Week and been trying to get into other tabletop systems.
During a one-shot, our GM made us fight a ninja clan in a tavern in Egypt (he has some really crazy worldbuilding, it still confuses me from time to time). A girl in our group had a small frog coin purse, and in a stroke of genius, our GM grabbed it and said "so this ninja here does a jutsu and turns into a giant frog" and added it to the initiative order. That's just the most memorable thing in that specific game, but I've got a few stories and am currently running a campaign myself. I'd like to hear others' TRPG tales.