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luo binghe being borderline isn't "implied," it's canon (svsss, mxtx)

Posted by thistle


Forum: Books and Stories

engagement bait title? yeah kind of. but it's also something i truly believe

even before i was diagnosed with bpd, i would look at lbh's actions and think to myself "wow, he is reacting exactly like i would in that situation." it was only after i was diagnosed that i was able to put these scenes into perspective--his extreme fear of perceived abandonment, his black and white thinking.

for christ's sake, he splits on sqq while he attempts to merge the realms at maigu ridge!! his sword is xin mo (心魔) -- heart demon -- which is an extremely common xianxia analogue for mental illness!! it couldn't be more obvious.

but i found that very few people had come to the same conclusion as i had??? and every reread (on my 8th lmao), i find more and more damning evidence that lbh so clearly has bpd. what do you think???? 

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