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Re: Epithet's & etiquette

I want to start this by saying I don't blame anyone for not knowing this or even wishing to continue breaking what I see as core Etiquette. In the way I was taught we do not refer to the Gods by their names for a few reasons. First doing so suggests a level of familiarity that we DO NOT have, it would be like always addressing your teachers or parents by their name, and Secondly using epithets re-instills why we praise them and what aspect we are working with them in. As an example the Lord of the underground, The lord of Wealth. Our Lady of Keys and Crossroads, the Mother of all Witches. Lady of Chaos and Change, Lord of Music and Muses, Lady of retribution and spring, ect.

Some of those are for the same God/dessĀ  so there are only 5 represented there. So I suggest looking into your Patron(s) and learning their epithet's/domains.

I don't have much experience with this craft I started learning about it properly only about 4 or 5 years ago and really started listening and fallowing their guidance in the last 3 years. So please don't think I'm some self important ass telling you how to practice. If calling them by name works for you than more power to ya. But if you are just starting or if something of this resonates with you, than give it a try.

May your craft bring you closer to Truth.

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