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Weird Rashes?

Posted by Animate Tiglot


Forum: Helping each other

Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, I just chose this over life because i'm searching for advice >m<

I've been getting strange rashes on my elbow and back of my hands. I had recently done some photo developing for a class but the rashes appeared to have still popped up even after I stopped working in the dark room.

I was wondering if they might be stress related? I can't think of any possible explanation besides that but I would love to hear some ideas. I'm going to put some excema cream or whatever on them later.

Thank You.

EDIT: It's Psoriasis! both my aunts have it, so I guess I just also got the bad luck

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Reply by Emmy



common in Asians.

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Reply by Super Ben


Are you sure it’s not monkey pox??? It shares none of  the symptoms that you’re describing but it’s on the rise globally and global health experts are predicting mpox breakouts (especially in America)

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Reply by Animate Tiglot


Thanks for finally responding but I assure you it's unlikely to be monkeypox and I'm not Asian. (I'm sadly fuckin American qwq) 

Good news though. I go to the dermatologist on Monday and i'll keep you informed.

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Reply by furhad


its probably an allergic reaction or a harmless skin condition, you don't have to be scared about it, but always visit a doctor to see what's going on

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Reply by Animate Tiglot


Thank you all for the replies, I went to a dermatologist and got diagnosed with Psoriasis.

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