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Posted by esme


Forum: Gyaru Group

i want to be gyaru....... but i have a few problems

i live in the uk and am in my early teens. from experience, it's not very acceptable to dress 'alternatively' here. when i say 'experience' i literally mean a leather jacket, band t-shirt and jeans with eyeliner. my other experience is with wearing all black. seriously. it's also soo common for women to have a 'trashy' style and if i got the gyaru look wrong, i might actually look like that. i am terrified to try it but soooo excited about the idea. PLEASE HELP!

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Reply by Sleepy_Viv


My advice is to go out in public with your friends when you’re in gyaru. When I first started, I was super worried about what people to say to me, but having friends around us a huge confidence booster!

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Reply by m4ds


@Sleepy_Viv do you friends wear gyaru too? its so hard to find people irl who are into it ;_;

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