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Posted by BriBri


Forum: Life

This might seem controversial but I don’t think that therapist are really REALLY necessary in fact I find that it seems like easy money just by listening to your problems, I think that you should talk to a bff or your family or even teachers, but if you don’t have anyone then fine your choice. Not judging anyone who goes to therapy you are doing a great thing for yourself, the last therapist I went to seemed to not care in the slightest, I prefer talking to someone who you actually know. Is it wrong? ( ̄^ ̄)

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Reply by Sentry


not every therapist in the field is a good therapist, and therapy is not for everyone, ur not wrong for not wanting a therapist.

however, i will say that therapists (at least a good one) are so much more than someone who just listens to your problems. a therapist should be creating a dialogue with you and teaching you how to self regulate and cope with whatever issues you may be having. identifying what causes you to feel certain ways that cause disruption in your life, what sort of treament would work best for your specific situation, etc. these are things that just talking to a friend cant typically provide

having someone to talk to outside of a therapist is still very important. talking to a therapist and talking to a friend or family member are pretty different, so its good to have both experiences 

as someone whose been in therapy for over a decade, ive had a fair share of shitty therapists, as well as good therapists who just werent a good fit for what i needed. i think a lot of people get dealt someone that isnt a great fit for them when they first start therapy, and then are done with it. which is understandable. ur putting urself in a vulnerable position which is already hard enough, and when it doesnt work out quite right, pushing yourself even more can be too much. but i think when you do have the right fit, its really worth it

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