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if you can, help me find info about this 2006 album

Uhm... helloooo, new member here, I don’t know if there are still people who come here sometimes but I need help on something so I will just post.

So, 3 years ago I discovered this album from 2006 that I really really like :


It’s your typical early 2nd gen dramatic ballad songs, but I felt a sgwannabe vibe that made me instantly love it and made me want to know more about it. So I searched about the artists The A.D and the album…but I don’t find much informations.

It seems that they only made one or two albums. The little I can understand from disgusting googletrad translations is that the members were from Akdong club and some of them formed the group The A.D after they disbanded, and this album was their first (or second???) album as a new group. So I don’t understand why they didn’t make another album like this . I mean, Akdong Club was pretty famous, especially for their song Remember. Did this album flopped so hard they never came back again ? Also who are the composers ? And what happened to the members after ?

On youtube most of the songs don't have many views and for some songs the only "like" is mine so I feel like nobody care about this album

So if anyone here understands korean or have any information about this group I will take it thank you <3

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Reply by koi


hey!! (✿◕‿◕) i love the A.D too! did some "research" though! yep, they were formed by some members of akdong club after the group disbanded. they released two albums—one in 2004 and the one you linked from 2006. and i can agree that their style has this sg wannabe vibe that definitely stands out, but ahem.. yeah... they were kinda overlooked at the time, since other big names dominated the scene (curse the mainstream scene!!). as for the members, it seems that two of them went to the army, which led to some of the member changes (a common thing in k-pop back then). sadly, they didn’t release anything else after the 2006 album, and the group sort of faded into the background (i think cuz of the member change, not 100% sure tho?? don't take my words for this lol). but yeah, no huge flop, just bad timing with bigger artists dominating the scene. there's not much info on the specific composers, but they were closely linked to the original akdong club crew. i tried translating some korean sites, and it seems like the group was mostly active around their debut but gradually got overshadowed and disbanded quietly :( feels like a hidden gem fr, not many ppl know them! (they literally have 24 monthly listeners on spotify..) it's sad more people don't appreciate these lesser-known groups. keep vibing to those tracks tho, hidden gems are the best!!!! <3

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Reply by Souël


another the A.D enjoyer ! thank you for these infos ! so it was just a timing problem :/ it's sad to think about all these groups who were overlooked.

someone else posted a reply (was deleted after) where they listed some incidents that happened during their activity and it was...crazy , this group really didn't have god on their side

but I wonder how the members would react if they knew some random girl in Europe listens to their songs lol

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