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I miss the early 2000's it was so much better

Everyone was more loving and understanding, "emo" wasn't considered a bad thing & everyone's styles were accepted.

Social media ruined everything honestly everything is just so toxic. Now people trying to be different are seen as "emo", "a poser" or "trying too hard" everyone makes everything into a competition :( 

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Reply by eva_bae


soo true tho, the medias influence closed peoples mind to anything different..

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Reply by buggutzz !!


actually, emos were demonized a lot in the early 2000s by the media and that's why a lot of emo kids got bullied and kids who wanted to be apart of the sub-group weren't allowed to because their parents thought they would hurt themselves/others because that's what they were told on the news.

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Reply by lennyqueen1


honestly!! i remember wanting to become emo soo bad in like 2011 thru 2016, i just now finally started to. i just wish i could have gone into an emo hot topic haha. i just miss the early 2000s. it was such a good time and the music, in my opinion was so much better. 

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Reply by Starxxp


honestamente tudo que saia do padrão e visto como algo estranho,e isso acontece a muitos anos...inclusive nos anos 2000,porém a internet tem ficado cada vez mais toxica de fato,mas infelizmente o mal sempre esteve presente! em 2006 um garoto do meu país foi induzido ao suicídio através de um fórum de internet e ele acabou cometendo...a presao,preconceito e o julgamento sempre teve infelizmente!! mas de fato a cada ano que passa se torna cada vez mais ruim :(

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Reply by Starxxp


honestamente tudo que saia do padrão e visto como algo estranho,e isso acontece a muitos anos...inclusive nos anos 2000,porém a internet tem ficado cada vez mais toxica de fato,mas infelizmente o mal sempre esteve presente! em 2006 um garoto do meu país foi induzido ao suicídio através de um fórum de internet e ele acabou cometendo...a presao,preconceito e o julgamento sempre teve infelizmente!! mas de fato a cada ano que passa se torna cada vez mais ruim :(

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