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what are myspace returns?

Posted by gnme8


Forum: SpaceHey

Hi all. I recently started working on my own project, similar to spacehey. I would like to ask if there are copies of MySpace from the 2000s other than spacehey and friend project. I will be interested and at the same time I will look at examples of websites that will help me in creating my website (functions, layout, etc.)

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Reply by Milky Hazard


Please combine the best features from both spacehey and friendproject. The classic look of spacehey is amazing, but no status update feed, photo albums make this site feel more retro than in needs to be. Hopefully your site gets done and I manage to find it ^^

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Reply by sgtmajspartanx


Why don't combine those two along with Like aol aim yahoo Facebook and other social media and other site more old school things

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