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does anyone know whats the way to writte a script as a begginer?

Posted by ariel


Forum: Helping each other

i would like to star do writte my own stories, but i dont know how to organize myself to do so, i have great ideas for comics and even other stuff like an analog series, but i never starded to do one because i never knew how to do scripts that i actually stuck with.

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Reply by roxy


i personally like to make a sort of outline for the entire story first (or at least how i think the plots will connect together) and start working from there! i separate it in 3 different sections (first second third act) and think about how i want the characters to speak, if theyre going to rough and condescending or quiet yet mischievious ill try to express that in my script. 

i also think about their motivations and what purpose they serve in my story so i dont make the mistake of adding too many useless characters,,, sticking with a script may be hard, but you just have to trust the process and itll turn out great! hopefully this helped a bit,,

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Reply by ariel


thank you jewelee for the advice! i thing thats helpful! ^_____^

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