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I need a extrovert to adopt me because of this thing called "sOciaL aNxiEtY" that some bitches decided to give to me at school by harassing me everyday, and NOW when I talk to people I don't know what to say because I instantly think their gonna bully me!! But I don't want to vent rn, I just mean like. Say my parents want to start me in a new school to get away from bullying, How do I even make friends?? I don't know what to say when people talk to me and I end up stuttering and closing up MORE. But I also don't want to move to a new school, because I have friends at my current one, and I don't want to leave them :<. So maybe outside of the school stuff, How do you even hold a conversation?? and don't get me STARTED on calls. I join a call and go "Hii!!" and then WHAT? what are you supposed to do after?? people are confusing.

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Reply by st0l3ns0nz


i feel u :(

i mean usually, (like you said) extroverts r gonna adopt the quiet kids because they wanna know whats up!! i've noticed to them, i'm kind of a...puzzle?? if that makes sense...

but srsly, you don't even need friends to get by. don't chase them. If u chase friends and try 2 impress everybody, you're not gonna impress anybody. just hang out and do ur thing and chill ppl will come. they don't have to be your best friend (and especially don't tell them everything right away)... they could just talk to you once a day or so bc ur in the same club or like the same thing.  even if they don't, you need to understand that U WILL SURVIVE!!!!! having no friends isn't even half bad. It was freeing 4 me tbh bc...

it's better to be alone than with people you have to change urself for. 

talking is hard definitely but the more 'hallway friends' u get, the better you'll get at it

and as 4 calls, what i usually do is just invite them to a game or screenshare a movie so ur both on the same page and don't have to come up w anything to say. 

good luck bro

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Reply by lewcio


usually i try striking up a conversation with someone when they're not talking to someone, since if you interrupt them, well, you're gonna be considered annoying, but you need to study them like: do they seem tired and in the mood for talking? are they energetic or shut inside? what topics do they joke about? if i find out what's funny to them by listening in i usually just come sit next to them on a bench on recess and joke around with them

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