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random lyrics i hope to turn into something

here i am again

capsizing with no one savior

this time

no, ships are sailing while im sinking

alone in that portal lake

i did my time

with no one by my side this time

my room doesn't feel like mine anymore

since you last stepped into it

carelessly open and shut doors

like that last time

theres a lack of me in everything i do

playing imposter in my skin

not recognizing my own limbs

i want to feel at home

i might run down a road

smash my phone and leave everything alone

anything becomes everything to me

not blinking till the moon leaves

theres a stinging in my skull

that just grows and grows

im looking for a remedy

and searching for something new

yellow bile in fluorescent blue

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2 Replies

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


I'm sure that you can turn these words into either a poem, or story in time. The trick is not to over think it. Just let it come to you :)

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Reply by ConversewithmyConverse154


this sounds great!!!!

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