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your reminder that black metal doesnt start at venom and doesnt end with mayhem or burzum

mayhem sucks ass and you know it, here are better bands

judas iscariot\moonblood\helleruin\hekseblad\gospel of the horns\caveman cult\goatpenis\tetragrammacide\goatblood\goat semen\forgotten woods\forgotten tomb\drowning the light

im sorry but im tired of seeing pelle ohlin or euronymous's fucking pfps, theyre cringe and you dont have a life if you idolize them

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Reply by alcheimers


not bands that i listen to btw, maybe with the exception of a few but these are good starting points to prove youre in it for the idea and music, not the attention and clicks on tiktok

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Reply by xXtrinity.toxicityXx


real. Don't get me wrong, I really don't mind Mayhem, like a couple of their songs, but I feel like the only reason theyre so popular in the BM community isn't because of their music, but because they were the 'pioneers' and even then, it's not like they were the first to do that kind of music

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