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i bugged my layout [closed]

so, just for the fun of it, I decided to download the spacehey mobile. I had a previous themed before that was still in construction but still I decided to see the themes in the app and changed one to see how it looked like. Pretty cool and stuff but I'll change to the previous later.

That later being some days after that change and one uninstalled app.

and now I'm on pc trying to change the theme but it doesn't change. Only like the profile box or smth. I deleted everything from the about me section and still didn't removed the theme.

Can anyone help me out with that?

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Reply by toni


your profile has a theme right now so did you figure it out or do you still need help?

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Reply by sudofry


Your code is in the custom code section. To remove it, open the mobile app, go to Edit Profile, click on the Design button at the top right, then you'll see an "Advanced" section at the bottom that says "Custom Code". Delete your code from there and you should have your blank profile back.

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Reply by chaotic.butterfly


i completely forgot i used this and forgot to closed the topic!

the problem was solved, thank you!

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