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Any fellow collectors here? What do ya'll collect?

Posted by Working Title


Forum: General

Hey everyone. I was wondering if there were any fellow collectors on spacehey. I collect postal stamps/FDCs and CDs.

Some questions:
What do you collect?
Why did you start collecting?
How many items are in your collection?
Favorite item in collection?
Anything else you want to share about your collection/an image of your collection

Thanks everyone!

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5 Replies

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Reply by Working Title


I decided to answer in the replies because of the image size.

What do you collect? Postage Stamps (theme: birds of prey) and CDs

Why did you start collecting? Postage stamps: Best thing to find that has the birds I like. CDs: I enjoy physical media to listen to bands I like. Also like going to the thrift store every week to look for something new.

How many items are in your collection? 25 stamps, 22 CDs

Favorite item in collection?
Favorite CD is Fall Out Boy's Folie a Deux Deluxe

For stamps:

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Reply by Milky Hazard


I collect video games. I stopped trading games in to game stores and wanted to keep and grow a collection after I saw youtuber Petedorr game room video in 2009. I haven't counted all my games in a few years but it's over 1000 physical copies on many different systems.

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Reply by rubigo


I wouldn't consider myself a collector, not a serious one at least.
But i have a lot of soviet postcards from 70-80's, mainly featuring
russian/slavic paintings or just paintings from russian museums
(Hermitage and Tretyakov gallery). And a bunch of cards with photo and
art of animals/plants from the same period. My local book thrift store
always has old postcards in stock, they worth nothing so no one really
buys them. Well, i don't care, more for me hehe. I would attach a photo, but i'm too
lazy :')
Also bird stamps and videogames are fire, good luck with your collections!

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Reply by BuzzyBoy


troll dolls and ceramic plates! it's not a big collection but i hope to build it up more. i have 8 trolls so far, and 4 plates. i have 2 elvis plates, 1 jfk one, and 1 frank sinatra one thats supposed to play music but the battery spot is too corroded.

i also collect ds/3ds games, and cassette tapes, don't know the numbers on those tho. most of my tapes are audio books.

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Reply by disrupt-


I collect comics!! Spider-man mostly. I started collecting because I got some and just wanted to read more. I collect to read 99% of the time. I have I think about thirty to fourty or so comics at the moment. I started collecting in June of this year. My favorite comic is a sealed Spider-Man #1. From the 90s, it’s a spin off comic, not the original spider-man. It’s written, penciled, inked, and colored by Todd McFarlane. You’ve definitely seen the cover before. It looks exactly like the image, but the image is not mine

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