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Thoughts on Grand Fest?

Posted by CoraBora


Forum: Splatoon Group

Now that everythings over yk i wanna hear everyone elses thoughts! The new hub world was super awesome imo, they really went all out for this thing. originally i was a lil sad past won (i was team present) but honestly it could be really interesting to see what comes from it! (DLC set in the past maybe?)

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Reply by meatbuuuuuns


grand fest was so much fun! i loved all there was to be found, and the band versions of each idol’s songs were so good. being able to cheer along was super cute, too.

i was also team present, but i was still happy past won. having a closer, more interactive look into the world’s past would be so interesting. maybe the great turf war, or the aftermath. maybe initial salmonid invasions, and how those were handled. the formation of inkopolis and the splatlands. maybe even a look into the deepsea metro again? surely it wasn’t always controlled by tartar. or was it, i can’t recall.

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Reply by gjjaws


absolutely great event. i remember being crazy excited the period after it was announced and making some crazy speculations (like, i thought the grandfest we were seeing in the trailer wasnt what the event was going to be like, and it was going to take on a whole different aesthetic after a salmonid invasion of the venue... well some of that was right! xD.) the saturday of the main event i had to go to a family gathering and didnt get to play much of the event, but i still made some great memories =D this was the first splatfest i played with someone i had communications outside of splatoon with, so that def enchanced the experience for me LOOL. the performances were great, i was especially shocked when i booted up the game during halftime and three wishes didn't start. i thought it was more hype when the game started with the performance ongoing (that could happen!) oh boy the results... as someone on team past i thought we would be toast, and couldnt stop thinking about those results for a week LOL! my classmates couldn't hear the end of it...

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