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Sound Off! What STATE do you live in???

Sound Off! What STATE do you live in???
I'll start!


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Reply by Rita


Reply by James Bosley


Usually a pretty happy state you know you have ups and downs But in general pretty good state 🤙🏼

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Reply by James Bosley


Usually a pretty happy state you know you have ups and downs But in general pretty good state 🤙🏼

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Reply by Central Presbyterian Church, Fort Smith, AR


We're from Arkansas.  Since most people probably know us only for Walmart or Bill Clinton, here are some interesting facts about our state:

1. Crater of Diamonds National Park is the only diamond mine that remains active in the U.S., and one of only two in the country (the other, in Colorado, shut down in 2002). If you visit, you can legally dig here for your own diamonds.

2. The first woman elected to the U.S. was Hattie Ophelia Caraway (Wyatt), a Democrat from Arkansas.

3. Arkansas produces half the nation's rice!

4. More than half the state is forested -- that's approximately 11.8 billion trees!

5. Cheese dip was invented in Arkansas back in 1935 by Blackie Donnelly; he was the original owner and proprietor of popular Arkansas chain Mexico Chiquito. Our friends in Texas may dispute this, as there is quite the fierce debate between cheese dip and their queso. :)

6. The Ozarks are the largest area of rugged topography between the Appalachians and the Rockies.

7. Ne-Yo, Mary Steenburgen, and Johnny Cash were born in Arkansas. Maya Angelou moved here when she was three.

8. Though we remain a state with various political challenges and disagreements, we as a church believe in loving others, compassion, social justice, and spreading kindness. We hope you will visit us if you ever find yourself in Fort Smith! :)

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Reply by Crystal


Reply by Raymond


Reply by marimo


Reply by Lance


Reply by Christopher Julian


Reply by Ratt


Reply by Abashiri


@ James Bosley

This thread is about what state in North America are you in, as in what place. This isn't about a person's emotional state, or anywhere outside North America.

I'm from California, and has family both south and north.

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Reply by Megz


Wisconsin, here. 

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Reply by CaretakerFan646


Here in Nebraska !

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Reply by Rikina


Reply by MrLePew66


Reply by ☆★heind★✫


I live in a province

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