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Wouldn't it be nice to live in the 2000s?

I wonder what life would be like if I were to go back to the 2000s because let's be honest, we didn't use technology much and just lived our lives. The music, movies, cost of everything, and other things used to be way better. It was like the peak of any generation. Nowadays, everyone is judgy for like anything which is just annoying, just live your own life in peace. I mean like there wasn't much violence before compared to now. For example, in those disney movies I remember that everyone lived near each other like in those little neighborhoods. I used to want that so badly,but when you get older you realize it isn't like that lol. (Sorry if I didn't write well, English isn't my first language.)

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Reply by kitty


no i agree i miss the 2000's but i think a lot of it is because i wish i had been a teenager during the early or even mid 00's but i was an 8 year old on myspace LMAO. it did feel like socializing was easier back then because a lot of kids my age didnt even have phones so you had to interact irl and i think that was just healthier in general. i also felt like the internet was safer back then but i could be wrong

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Reply by Milky Hazard


Back then everybody thought we lived in the worst generation too, for several valid and unvalid reasons. It's always easy to look back to see how good we had it. 

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Personally i wish I was born before for living the 2000s I think it would've been better than now... 

I even hesitate to live like I'm in the 2000s like buying a flip phone and everything... At least it would calm my current phone addiction

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Reply by JRP005


my favorite time the 2000s the best for me and more because of the rise of technology I remember as a child I always wanted a console because my brother would talk and play with friends online and as a child I would say wow how is this possible apart from the music god music how I loved it as a child jsjs the band that I only knew as a child and listened to thanks to my brothers was (Gorillaz and Daft Punk) it was the ones I listened to the most in their time I repeat because of my brothers I didn't know that much but now I see the present and several children locked in their houses playing without going out at all and I think why don't they go out to play or do something fun because I remember that was what I liked the most going out to play with my neighbors whatever there are memories the past will always be missed and more because you didn't realize that you were happy

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