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If you don't have one already, would you want your own website(s?)

If so, what would you do with it?
What would you want it to look like?
Any reason you haven't made one?

Feel free to post your website if you already have one.

I actually don't have one but if I did it would probably be a portfolio for my works and maybe basic stuff about me like interests. No personal info, duh. Unfortunately, I'm not confident enough to share either of those.

For looks, I don't actually know. Maybe something dark/spooky? Maybe some fun toys if they're not too distracting? Possibilitys are endless.

The reason I haven't made one is mainly lack of knowledge in creating websites and just not being confident.

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Reply by I Like Smokin


I have one for my small business but this is my anonymous account for venting and prattling on so I’m not sharing it. I will say it’s not hard to find a template you like through something like Free-CSS and plunk it into Neocities, but it won’t have the true old internet look that way.

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Reply by angry bosnian dude


Well I was trying to make an small website about me but I completely lost my progress :( and I can t even code that good on crappy ass laptop,it’s very slow.luckyyy my parents will buy me an laptop soon :D

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