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Dating life is inexistent

Posted by Morpheus


Forum: Romance and Relationships

How does an introverted misanthrope even find a relationship? I hate everybody around me and I'm not willing to "put myself out there" and meet new people, so how do I even go about finding a girlfriend?

My friendships used to fill the void in me that needed some kind of connection and warmth, but I've began distancing myself from them lately. They've changed for the worst, become fake assholes and practically abandoned me emotionally. I just want somebody I can truly connect with, even just a best friend, but I can't have that. They all go eventually.

So now I'm stuck on the internet, looking around but never being brave enough to reach out and try at conversation with those I want to. I've met some pretty cool individuals over the past year but my commitment issues prevent me from keeping in touch for long enough to keep them in my life. I know it's my fault, I know I'm the only one who can help myself.

There have been people that have shown interest in me but I don't think they genuinely liked me, just the image they'd created of me. I don't understand falling in love immediately after meeting somebody, and I wouldn't believe anybody who said they liked me without knowing me well enough. That's just making dating all the more difficult for me.

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1 Reply

Reply by ella wella


i know this is annoying to hear but there's really no other way than changing your mindset. focus on you- consume media you enjoy, pick up a new hobby. the hardest part is letting go of fear of rejection and embarrassment but its so freeing once you do, and that sense of freedom and confidence attracts people. i regularly embarrass myself if i think itll be funny lol and im probably embarrassing myself rn cause you probably dont want my advice

i can def relate to the hating everyone around you part lol but trust me ppl can feel resentment and distrust. if you expect people to leave you it's just gonna push them away. ppl will go in and out of your life, which, without a strong sense of self, will feel like you have nothing left. like you said, you have no way of knowing the intentions or thoughts of people that show interest in you, maybe they really do just like their perception of you, but you have no way of knowing without being at least a little vulnerable and letting them get to know the real you. 

i hope i dont sound insensitive i know you weren't really asking for advice. i really like your blogs layout tho if you wanna be friends :)

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