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MP3 Player not reading SD card.. wtf do i do with it now

OK, so the title is exactly what it sounds like.. my mp3 player stopped reading the SD Memory card after about 6 months of use, does anybody have ideas of WHAT I can do with the thing now?? since it has like no internal memory, should I just scrap it for parts? I feel bad throwing it out. I might just give it to my toddler cousin to use as a toy. 

It's a HOTECHs MP3 Player, unfortunately the price is too good to be true and it was full of issues from the start.. I'll probably share on here if I ever post a review. 

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2 Replies

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Reply by WildWorld


Yeah, those really generic music players aren't particularly good. I
myself have an Aigo Eros Q which I've been satisfied with for quite a
few years, same resolution as the iPod Video and supports Rockbox too. Obviously a bit more expensive though.
Anyway, have you been able to check if the card itself works? Like, do you have an external reader for it, or have you only been able to read and write music to it through the music player itself?

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Reply by Causticdisco



The card itself does work! I was able to test it with the USB card reader I have for my laptop (the sd card slot in my laptop is taken up), and it works there and in the new mp3 player. I bought an AGPTEK A02S recently- the native OS works fairly well but I've considered poking around a bit to try to get RockBox onto it.. I know the AGPTEK rocker runs off the same basic software, but the AGPTEK rocker seems to have been discontinued. 

I did look at the model you talked about, however can't like.. spend more than 50$ on one at the moment- Though, when I can, I will. 

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