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Once upon a time

Posted by Kr1st4l


Forum: Books and Stories

Chapter One: The Basement

Once upon a time.

Barney the dinosaur was in love with barbie. 

So at prom barney decided to confess his love to barbie.

He did that by singing the Barney theme song on the stage 

Barbie instantly fell in love.

Now they live in a house together with children.

But they hate the children so they keep them locked in the basement.

One day when they were sleeping Barney woke up in the middle of the night.

Barbie was gone.

He went downstairs to look for her,

but she wasn’t there.

So Barney went around the neighborhood to ask if they had seen Barbie.

But none of them had.

And then he heard screaming,

It was coming from the basement..

Barney entered the basement and found that their children had kidnapped Barbie.

And they said: ‘if you let us free we’ll let Barbie go.’

But Barney had a plan.

He was carrying a knife..

He attacked the Children and freed Barbie.

And they lived happily ever after (for now)..

The next morning things went wrong again.

Barney and Barbie were having breakfast.

They were eating their childre-...  cereal..

Then they heard a knock on the door..

And a burglar burst through the door.


But Barney stood up and said: ‘Never!!’.

But then the burglar grabbed Barney,

 and took off through the ceiling on his jetpack.

Barbie was watching.

‘I have to save Barney,’ she said.

So she went to their neighbor Ironman and ‘borrowed’ his jetpack.

And she went after them.

But they were long gone and she didn't know where to look.

But then Barney called her and said:

‘I'm at the mega pizzaplex, the burglar got killed by an animatronic so I'm safe for now.’

‘but there's still a bunch of deadly animatronics that are trying to kill me.’

‘Then I'll go to the mega pizzaplex and save you’ Barbie said.

And so she took off towards the mega pizzaplex. 

Chapter 2: The Mega Pizzaplex

A few hours later Barbie finally arrived at the mega pizzaplex. 

But it was completely ruined and abandoned.

She went inside to look for Barney,

But instead of Barney she found a girl.

‘What’s your name?’ Barbie asked.

‘I’m Cassie, I’m looking for my friend Gregory, he says he’s trapped here.’

Barbie was about to answer, but then Barney called her.

‘Have you met a girl named Cassie?’ He asked.

‘Yeah, she’s right here’, Barbie answered.

Barney said: ‘Tell her that she’s being lured into a trap, there’s this robot called the mimic who’s pretending to be Gregory’.

And so Barbie told her: ‘Girl, you’re getting tricked’.

‘Yeah i know right,’ Cassie said,’he’s being way too suspicious’.

So instead Cassie went with Barbie to go find Barney.

They went to the basement and freed Barney.

‘What do we do with the mimic?’ Cassie asked.

‘He’ll be our new butler,’ Barbie said. 

They were about to leave but Cassie stopped them,

‘we have to go get Roxy, she’s my friend’. She said,

And so they went to the Roxy Raceway and found Roxy.

‘She’ll be a great dog’ Barney said.

They left the mega pizzaplex and went back to their home,

but before they could go inside a giant portal opened under their home and they all got sucked in.

When they got out of the portal they saw a giant Barbie dream house.

‘I guess this will be our new home,’ Barbie said.

And so they moved into the Barbie dreamhouse,

with Cassie as their new child, the mimic as butler and Roxy the dog.

And they lived happily ever after (for now)..

Chapter 3: It’s time..

Barbie and Barney were living their best life in the Dreamhouse

With Cassie, the mimic and roxy of course

One night they were sleeping

But then suddenly everything started rumbling

First they thought it was an earthquake but then they heard:   ‘IiIiiIi’

Then they heard something downstairs

When they went down there they saw that everything was frozen

Then they noticed roxy wasn't in her dog bed

Then they heard ‘don't want a lot for christmasssss…….’

Then suddenly the doors of the house opened

And Mariah Carney was standing there

And she said ‘IT'S TIMEEEE’

And then she destroyed the entire house and froze everything

And she had kidnapped Roxy as an offering for Santa

Then barbie and barney put on their superhero costumes and called the mimic

The mimic tracked the location of mariah carey and barbie and barney went there

But before they could enter her ice castle

They had to melt the ice with incendio or confringo

Except they didn't know the spells 

So they went to Hogwarts

And they met Sebastian and he taught them the spells

But before they could leave


And it turns out she was Mariah’s servant

And she now had all her gobstones to complete her shrine..


And mariah attacked

Luckily barney and barbie had an invisibility cloak and they could escape

Then they went to her ice castle because now she was distracted

And they blew up the wall, found roxy and left

Then mariah came back and when roxy wasn't there she cried because she's always wanted a dog but no dog liked her except roxy and now she's determined to get roxy back.

Barney and Barbie had Roxy and took her back to their (destroyed) dreamhouse

And Cassie was waiting for them there

But then Mariah Carey showed up

And she wanted Roxy

But Cassie said: ‘SHES MY DOG’

And Mariah didn't like that so she froze everyone and took Roxy 

Chapter 4: The rescue plan

So then when they unfroze they had to make a plan to stop carey

they had a brilliant idea

they should all learn all the spells and then

barbie would do levioso

barney would do accio and incendio

then at last

the mimic would do crucio and avada kedavra

so they did the plan

but what they didn't know

is that carey knew EVERYtHing about the plan

So Mariah Carey created a massive protego shield around her ice castle

And Barney and Barbie had to think of another plan

They were thinking of plans when Cassie had an idea


so they went back to the pizzaplex to find Monty and give him to Mariah Carey


turns out the megapizzaplex collapsed like a day ago and monty was gone

so they straight up took a random hogsmeade villager and thought it was an good offer anyway

except carey didn't accept it

so barney just straight up used avada kedavra and the shield broke

then they went to complete their plan

Mariah Carey was better at spells than them so they had to run away

And so they were hiding in a igloo

And then they overheard Mariah Carey explaining her masterplan

All she wanted was for it to be christmas all year

And then she’d live in her ice castle with roxy forever

Barney and Barbie were like: ‘well that doesn't sound that bad actually’


The only problem was Roxy

So they went to her ice castle and tried to negotiate 

‘We can share Roxy, we’ll live with you in your ice castle and live happily ever after’

Barbie suggested

‘Fine, I'll think about it’ Mariah said

‘But if you want to live with me and Roxy in the ice castle YOU NEED TO WIN MY TRIALS’

barbie and barney were like: ok well do it

so they completed the trials

killed all the pensieve guardians and all the snowmen


at the last trial


so they just used avada kedavra and won the trial

then they were like

If we kill Santa can we have half of the castle?

mariah agreed and then they went on a quest to find santa

So obviously they went to the north pole because Santa lives there

And then they found his gingerbread mansion

And went in to kill him

But when they entered there were hundreds of elf guards waiting for them 

So they used incendio and avada kedavra to kill them

And they went up to Santa’s room

And when they went inside he was peacefully sleeping in bed..

then they just stabbed him and went to carey

So Now Mariah Carey could officially take over christmas

And Barbie, Barney, The Mimic, Cassie and Roxy all lived with carey in the ice castle

Chapter 6: The neenja

then when they were sleeping they heard the alarm

someone was threatening to DESTROY christmas

then they found out it was CHOW

then they heard

iiii wanna be neenjaaa…..

then the neenja gurl spawned behind them

she said: ive always wanted to take down chow

letsgo save christmas

and while they were walking they sang a song:

I wanna be Neenja

I wanna be Neenja

i wanna chop chop

chop chow down to china town

They arrived at his Ninja temple

And they took down all his ninja guards with their hogwarts and ninja skills

And Chow was at the top of the tower

And then Barbie had an epic Ninja battle with Chow

And she drop kicked him off his OWN TEMPLE


but some of his servants were still alive

And now they wanted to take over Christmas

The servants were:






Chapter 7: Bigfoot Bae

So then Bigfoot bae and her gang escaped except Ken because Barbie took him down.

so then they went and interrogated Ken because they needed more info about the plan

except Ken didn't talk


then he talked so fast they knew the ENTIRE PLAN

so their plan was to hypnotize people with their tiktok/youtube videos and then let them destroy everything that has to do with christmas

And they asked ken where they were going 

And ken told them they were going to the youtube headquarters

So Barbie, Barney and the mimic (he’s just there too) went to youtube headquarters


And the mimic stayed behind to fight him

Then they moved to the basement


and barney stayed to fight her

so just Barbie was left

And she came into the room where the full control of youtube was



but then

barbie remembered an ancient spell

which shall turn bigfoot bae into an ANT

except she needed a sacrifice

so she straight up took ken and sacrificed him

then bigfoot bae turned into an ant and barbie trapped her in a jar with anteaters

then she went to check on barney

then barney woke up and was like HI

So Barney had defeated Happy Frog

And later they also found the mimic who had FUCKING MURDERED TOM

and they left and went back to the ice castle where they lived a happy life with each other (for now)

Chapter 8: The Gorls

So Everyone was chilling in the ice castle,

But then they heard an explosion coming from downstairs

The went down and saw that the front door had been BLOWN UP

And in the opening

a group of girls were standing there

‘Who are you?!’ Mariah said


Then the ceiling exploded and they heard:

‘I was a girl in the village doing alright.

then i just straight up left my family behind’

and they saw a princess falling from the ceiling

‘IT'S HER!’ The spice gorls said

Who? Barney asked

SOFIA THE GORL’ they replied ‘She’s a being of pure evil’

‘What does she want here?’  Mariah asked


When Mariah heard that.

She quickly shot a ray of ice at sofia.

But Sofia dodged it and it broke a pillar.

Then the castle started to collapse.

Barbie quickly kicked Sofia back into the ice castle right before it fell down.

“Phew,” Barbie said.” that was close”

But out of the ruins of the ice castle they saw HER HAND RISE UP AGAIN

‘how?!’ Barbie shouted

‘With a little help from my friends!’ Sofia replied

And as the smoke cleared they saw that sofia had a PROTEGO SHIELD

and behind her a group of girls were standing there, one of them had the wand that saved sofia.

‘THE MEAN GORLS’ the spice gorls said. 

‘Who are they??’ everyone asked

‘they’re our arch enemies who work for an agency called GRUCCI. And they’re Sofia's loyal servants. ‘BUT NOT FOR LONG!’ one of the spice gorls said.

and then they started an epic battle between the spice gorls and mean gorls while the others watched.

‘Grucci… I know that name… HE made that agency,’ Barney said. 

‘Who?’ Barbie asked 

‘Never mind, he’s long gone’ Barney replied.

Then one of the spice gorls did bombarda and the mean gorls and sofia flew off the cliff.

but they had their brooms and they started doing avada kedavra and crucio.

one of the spice gorls got hit with crucio and started screaming.

Then two of the spice gorls did something amazing.

one of them did avada kedavra and one bombarda.

Then there was an explosion of DEaTH that killed every single one of the enemies.

‘But what about the ice castle?’ Cassie asked.

‘Don’t worry,’ Mariah said ‘I can just make a new one.  

‘NOT SO FAST’ they heard from a distance. They looked into the distance and saw an old lady standing there. ‘I’m going to make this my grilling restaurant,’ the old lady said.

Chapter 9: The Grilling Grandma

Then the old lady said: I'm the grilling grandma.

Mariah Carey then said that she can turn one room into a kitchen and the dinner room into a restaurant if she wanted to.

She accepted.

Everything was going well until one day.

Someone came into the restaurant. His name was tom.

“out” the grandma said.

“Why should i? '' said tom.

Then the grilling grandma and Tom started fighting.

At the end the grandma slapped Tom with a giant steak and he was knocked out.

as they tied tom up against a pillar Barbie asked who this guy was

‘He is a rival chef, and he robbed someone of the trophy’ 

who?’ Barbie asked and the grilling grandma said: ‘Kasae, she’s my GRANDDAUGHTER’

‘Wait, that’s THE TOM, they guy who worked with happy frog ken and bigfoot bae!’ Barney said. ‘Exactly,’ grilling grandma said, ‘so we need to take him down’

But they didn’t notice that Tom woke up again and heard EVERYTHING

‘YOU CANT DEFEAT ME’ he said, ‘BECAUSE MY MASTER IS MORE POWERFULL’ ‘who is your master’ grandma asked


they all gasped ‘where is he??’ grandma interrogated him

‘HE’S RIGHT BEHIND YOU’ they heard him say.

And before they knew it Gordon Blarnsey was standing right behind them.

Then suddenly he stabbed the grandma and she fell onto the floor.

She wasn't moving.

Barney quickly ran to her. She said: "Please avenge me.”

He said: “Ofcourse i will, Grandma.”

Then she closed her eyes and never opened them again.

But when they turned around Gordon was GONE.

He was running up the stairs to the top of the castle and said:


‘not if I can help it’  Mariah said and she cast glacius on Gordon Blarnsey.

He fell down the stairs and DIED.

But when they ran over to look at his body they saw something weird…

Gordon Blansey’s blood wasn’t red…  IT WAS PINK

‘Only a Dinosaur can have pink blood’ Barney said.

And then suddenly the pink blood transformed into A PURPLE VERSION OF BARNEY

‘It’s BLARNEY’ barney said. But before they could do anything he disappeared into the ground.

Chapter 10: Jojo Siwa  

After everyone recovered from the incident they just continued life as normal.

One day Cassie was watching TV.

Suddenly a commercial came on tv. A COMMERCIAL FOR JOJO SIWA’S CEREAL.

‘Eat my cereal and you’ll become JUST AS AMAZING AS ME’ she said.

So Cassie got Barney to buy Jojo Siwa's cereal. But when they ate it,


Luckily Barbie saw it before she ate it too.

She quickly ran away into the attic.

There she saw JOJO SIWA.

She was hoarding all her servants in their attic the whole time!

Then they all teleported to the nearest stadium and had a concert.

So then Barbie and Mariah Carey went UNDERCOVER to the concert.

But they brought something with them… BARNEY CEREAL.

They believed it could be the cure to the Jojo Siwa cereal.

When they got to the concert they saw thousands of people who had been brainwashed by her cereal. "We don't have enough cereal to save all of them," Barbie said. So they went to the BARNEY CEREAL FACTORY.  When they got there they ordered 10000000 kg of cereal and then they went to a milk producing farm and stole 100000000 liters of milk. They combined it to make the cereal and stored it in a massive tank. Then they drove back to the concert and FLOODED THE ENTIRE BUILDING WITH THE BARNEY CEREAL.

Then everyone went back to normal. They all thought:”Where are we?” Suddenly they saw Jojo standing on the stage. She got jumped and ripped apart by all the ex servants and she got split into Jo and Jo. Jo and Jo then ran into the forest and were eaten by monsters.

Just when they thought everything was ok again a GIANT SPACESHIP LANDED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CONCERT STADIUM.

The spaceship was purple… 

And a small creature with big eyes and white fluffy fur walked out.


‘Oh boy, here we go again’ they all said.

The Meep walked out of his spaceship followed by his army of PUFFSKEINS and started attacking everyone in the stadium.

Chapter 11: The Summoning 

After the meep finished his murder spree in the stadium he left with his puffskeins back into his spaceship. Luckily Barney, Barbie, Mariah and Cassie all survived. ‘What is he gonna do?’ Barbie asked. I know where we can find the answer: THE RESTRICTED LIBRARY OF HOGWARTS.  So they went back to Hogwarts to the library to find out what the Meep’s plan was. 

It turned out he needed to collect some items to complete his ritual.

He needed: A dino eye, An orange marker, The tail of a super barney, A French teacher and Baby bop. So they went on a quest to stop the Meep. 

First the meep went to a volcano on a deserted island to collect the dino eye.

Barney and Barbie were following. In the volcano there was a giant dinosaur.

The meep had a GIANT ROCKET LAUNCHER and killed the dino. Barbie and Barney ran over to stop him but were TOO LATE. The meep had the dino eye and suddenly TOM APPEARED. They left in the spaceship and took off again.

Then they went to a random school called Het Rhedens.

The Meep stole a random marker from a student and then the mean gorls and Sofia appeared. Then Sofia did glacius and froze the main door so barney and his gang couldn't come in and they flew away.‘He’s getting closer, we need to stop him’ Barney said. So this time they took their LASERS. They managed to break out of the school to follow the meep. But when they caught up with his spaceship they found out IT WAS A TRAP. The meep sent a FAKE SHIP to distract them and was actually STILL AT THE SCHOOL where he stole a random french teacher and left on his real spaceship. After collecting the french teacher BIGFOOT BAE EMERGED. Now all he needed was Baby Bop and a super barney tail and his ritual would be complete…

But what barney and barbie didn't know is that the meep was making a potion to transform roxy into a super barney and chop her tail off.

So the meep let them come into his lair and he threw the potion on roxy and she started transforming. Then he chopped off her tail and flew away in his spaceship with the 2 halves of Jojo Siwa.

They still had hope and kept following the meep. This time the meep went to a long forgotten place: BARNEYLAND. The place where Barney grew up.

As they stealthed around and followed meep they saw him go to BABY BOP’S HOUSE and he knocked on the door. But no one answered. Barney took his chance and surprise attacked. But the meep had a bodyguard… BALLOON BOY.

So balloon boy attacked Barney and Meep barged through the door and kidnapped Baby Bop. That summoned CHOW and now his ritual was complete. 

Together they formed a circle and started singing the Barney theme song BACKWARDS. Out of the circle BLARNEY EMERGED AND DESTROYED THE ENTIRE PLACE WITH HIS LASER EYES. Barbie did a protego shield just in time and they ran away. ‘You have some explaining to do Barney’ she said. ‘Alright, it started long ago’ Barney started to tell his story.

Chapter 12: Long ago…

Long ago there was Barneyland. Everyone in barneyland was happy.

Until one day things started going downhill. Something was coming..

Like one month later a dinosaur appeared. His name was Blarney.

He seemed like a nice guy, until he started robbing banks and doing illegal things.

Like stealing Puffskeins, summoning demons and much more.

So the people of Barneyland had to do something. They created a banishing circle and banished Blarney to the underworld.

While this was happening Barney was also in town. Blarney was actually his long lost BROTHER. But Barney knew Blarney wouldn’t be gone for long. And soon enough Blarney found his way out of the underworld. 

Now he had the ability to OPEN PORTALS TO OTHER DIMENSIONS. 

So he opened the SUPERBARNEY DIMENSION. The superbarneys were dumb creatures that killed anything they saw. 

BUT BLARNEY TAMED THEM and they started attacking Barneyland.

While this was happening Blarney kept summoning more demons: 

BIGFOOT BAE, THE MEAN GORLS, CHOW and all the other villains they had battled. 

But Barney had enough.  He awakened a long forgotten power…

He awakened the god himself: A creature that shared both similarities of a superbarney and a super blarney. 

The creature banished all of them back into the underworld and stole all of Blarneys powers.. or so he thought.

Even god couldn't stop the evil being that was Blarney. He returned and killed even more people. But Barney, being his brother, knew his weakness. There were five things Blarney was most terrified of: ORANGE MARKERS, FRENCH TEACHERS, SUPERBARNEY’S TAILS, BABY BOP AND DINO EYES. So Barney gathered those five things and used them in a ritual to banish Blarney to the underworld for good. 

And it worked. 

But what Barney didn’t know was that this ritual could be reversed. So now, present day, years later. The Meep had used the reverse ritual to summon Blarney and the other demons back. 

And now an epic battle was about to begin.


Blarney transformed the entirety of Barneyland into a GIANT BATTLE ARENA.

He also opened the portal to the superbarney dimension, and thousands of super barneys ran out and started destroying everything they saw.

Blarney then made a giant pit of despair where all the super barneys fell into.

Now all our heroes were high in the sky on floating rocks where they battled the demons. 

Blarney tackled Barney and they started fighting. Barbie ran to help him but was attacked by TOM. He almost stabbed her with his knives but then KASAE appeared and blocked him. ‘I’ll take care of him,’ she said. ‘I’m gonna avenge my grandmother.’ And she had an epic chef battle with Tom. Tom threw kitchen knives at Kasae but she had a giant wall of pizza that blocked all the knives. Then she threw a giant fridge at Tom and he broke his back and died.

On the other side Roxy was fighting Balloon boy. Roxy was easily winning but then Balloon boy STOLE HER BATTERIES. But just before she powered down she managed to take HIS BATTERIES OUT TOO and they both powered down and DIED.

Then The Mimic and The Meep fought. The Meep launched his rocket at the Mimic and it caused a giant explosion. The meep flew off the rock into the pit of despair because of the explosion. Luckily the Mimic is made of metal so he just stood there vibing. 

Suddenly JO AND JO ambushed Cassie and started to fight her. Cassie wasn’t strong enough for both of them. But then she remembered her secret weapon.

SHE GRABBED HER FAZ-WRENCH AND STABBED JO & JO WITH IT and they both fell into the pit. She ran over to roxy and used her spare batteries to revive her.

Then they saw SANTA trying to steal the mimic’s metal to make more factories for chil- i mean elves to work in. Then he heard: IIiiiIIiii. He turned around. Then he got hit in the face with a giant ice ball and fell into the pit of despair. Behind him stood Mariah victoriously and she started emoting.

But suddenly her emoting was interrupted by THE GHOST OF GORDON BLANSEY. He possessed her and made her jump into the pit. But the GRILLING GRANDA’S GHOST APPEARED and banished Gordon Blansey to Hell’s kitchen. Mariah Carey used her ice jetpack to fly back up. 

But when Mariah landed she got instantly tackled by Chow.

Then they heard: III WANT TO BE NEENJA. And behind chow came the Neenja girl and chopped his head off and fed it to the super blarneys and then Mariah and Neenja girl started emoting over the rest of chows dead body and said:”skill issue”

But then suddenly Neenja girl almost got STABBED BY A TIARA. Mariah managed to save her just before. They turned around to see Sofia and the mean gorls. Then the spice gorls appeared and they started fighting. The spice gorls started singing their hit songs and it BLEW OUT SOFIA’S EARDRUMS. Then they fed their 2005 spice gorls cereal to the mean gorls and they became their humble servants.  

Then everyone emoted over Sofia and Chow's bodies.

Then suddenly a whole army of puffskeins arrived with Bigfoot bae.

But luckily Barbie had her giant Barbie RPG and she set the RPG to Bigfoot Bae.

And then she pulled the trigger and bigfoot bae transformed into bigfoot BEAM and died. Then the army of puffskeins just evaporated and VANISHED.

Now only Blarney was left. He was beating the shit out of Barney and he was about to die. But Barbie threw her rpg to Barney and he SHOT BLARNEY. But before he died Blarney awakened his THIRD EYE. But Barney gathered all his friends and together they fused into A GIANT LEGO FIGURE WITH EVERY WEAPON IMAGINABLE. They spammed all their weapons at Blarney But then he ALSO TRANSFORMED into a GIANT EGG. So then they had an epic mega battle and destroyed each other. They all transformed back into their regular forms. But before anyone could react..

BLARNEY GRABBED BARNEY AND ASCENDED INTO THE SKY. Now they were battling in the clouds. But neither of them had weapons anymore. THEN BLARNEY GOT HIT BY AN AIRPLANE. 

So now Barney had his chance. He BITCHSLAPPED BLARNEY AND 

DROP KICKED HIM BACK TO EARTH. Once they both fell down to earth Blarney was STILL STANDING. But Barbie just casually flicked him and he lost his balance and FELL INTO THE PIT OF DESPAIR. 

Then everyone emoted and spammed:’Skill issue”.

But then suddenly everything fell down because Blarney was the one holding up all the rocks. So they all fell into the pit of despair and the Earth exploded.

Then a single being rose out of the ashes. He haid:




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