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Thoughts on the current analoge scene on youtube?

Posted by ✯ꌗꂦꉣꃅꀤꍟ✯


Forum: analoge horror Group

Do you think that its getting too mainstream, too scripted (everything too similar to the backrooms or Local 51), or is this influx of analoge creaters a good thing?

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Reply by sewnpill


Honestly, i have been noticing with the rise of many succesful analoge horror medias (such as mandela catalouge etc.) there has been more a shift towards a set, almost rules for series. But this shouldn't overshadow the creativity and the difference in narrative many of these medias offer as. Different perspectives, experiences, dark subjects being shed light on through the eyes of different creators and creatives is honestly something we need more of in the internet. So i don't think anyone should be put down or called a 'copycat' just for executing their ideas and stories in a similar format. 

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