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Answer my absurd question and be rewarded with nothing

Posted by SpookyHH


Forum: Quiz/Survey

A forum where you just answer my question or others that have an absurdly weird question (make sure to keep the questions to be moderate and not be taken too extreme lengths of a question) enjoy my or others avsurd questions ■|87+<

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Reply by SpookyHH


Ill list some question you can answer

If ur human flesh was replaced with flesh of animal

What would it be (example i pick cow flesh I look normal totally normal but if someone where to eat me they would just be eating cow meat)

If ur organs were replaced with a certain animal 

Which animal (and yes you would be functioning normal just with an animal bonus of having said organs)

If ur bones and teeth were replaced from any type of material (wothiut logical reason or downside) what would ur bones and teeth be

If you were haunted by any person from any time period who that person be (real or a stereotypical char)

Ur immune to 1 thing but weak to another what would that be

Heres my list 

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Reply by Lemmingsishard


If my flesh was replaced with that of an animal's, I would choose an Axolotl since they can regenerate damage.

If my organs were replaced with an animal's, I would choose a lungfish since they have gills and lungs which is pretty neat.

I would replace the material of my teeth with polished quartz since it should look and feel similar

Finally, I would be strong against physical attacks (eg. Punches, Kicks, etc.) and be weak against papercuts

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