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Let's meet eachother! (Survey)

Posted by str4wberrsara


Forum: General

1. Favourite video game?

2. Vanilla, strawberry or chocolate icecream?

3. Favourite food?

4. If you could go to a country that is not the one you live in, where would you stay?

5. Name me your favourite series

6. Tell me something about your favourite movie

7. Your name?


1. Tomodachi life and splatoon 3

2. Strawberry

3. Hamburger

4. I feel like I would go to france, even tho the language is kinda difficult for me...

5. Total drama island

6. Veruca Salt is my favourite character from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory

7. My name is Sara, nice to meet you!!

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4 Replies

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Reply by str4wberrsara



Edit: Nvm. It's gone now!

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Reply by death from above


1. Favourite video game?
Hard to choose but No More Heroes maybe?

2. Vanilla, strawberry or chocolate icecream?

Depends on the ice? if its like swirly then vanilla, otherwise strawberry

3. Favourite food?

I like vegetarian burgers from vegetarian butcher, idk why that specifically but its great :D

4. If you could go to a country that is not the one you live in, where would you stay?

Canada, it's supposed to be cold there, real winters and all and that's great, great artscene too appereantly

5. Name me your favourite series

Idk, sopranos ig? i dont watch much shows

6. Tell me something about your favourite movie

idk um its like one of the first respectful depictions of LGBT people in hollywood?

7. Your name?

wouldnt u like to know weather boy......

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Reply by SH4RKI3_9000


1. dont really have a favorite game lately, but i like to play roblox, left 4 dead, tf2 or minecraft when i get bored

2. neapolitan xd

3. mac and cheese <3

4. probably somewhere quiet and pretty in europe! i want to visit japan sometime too tho

5. the wire probably.....

6. it has a amazing soundtrack!! (the incredibles)

7. sharkie

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Reply by BuzzyBoy


1. Favourite video game?

rune factory and digimon.

2. Vanilla, strawberry or chocolate icecream?

chocolate 5ever.

3. Favourite food?

sweet potatoes!

4. If you could go to a country that is not the one you live in, where would you stay?

probably italy? bc i really like giallo films. idk tho ive never put much thought about it because i cant afford to travel.

5. Name me your favourite series

book series tunnels, movie series saw, tv series leverage.

6. Tell me something about your favourite movie

contamination is a giallo horror film from 1980 about alien eggs.

7. Your name?


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