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Why do you love/like these fluffy creatures?

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Forum: Cats Group

Ne personally I LOVED cats ever since I was a little kid I would always beg my mom to get one until one day of course she did my cat is named Nala she’s a black and white tuxedo cat(duh) I’ve always just loved their soft purr and fluffy faces! They especially calm down my body from any stress or like my period cramps! Their also good for getting cockroaches or other insects(sometimes LOLZxd)

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Reply by safuj875


omg , I've always dreamt about having a cat, I had one for a while but she ran away :((((

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Reply by carol


i think is because they remind me a lot of myself. they are really misunderstood, people think they are not affectionate because they don't show affection in the same way dogs does, but that's not true, cats are really affectionate, they love their humans, they are just different. and a lot of times i also felt misunderstood because i didn't behave in the way it's socially expected.

basically, cats are autistic.

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