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Who’s your favorite killer/horror movie?!

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Forum: Oh, The Horror! Group

I love Micheal Myers’s and my favorite horror movie is chucky!:3

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Fav horror movie is the Shining, don't really have a favourite killer tho lol.

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Reply by ASH WORM


favorite horror movie is black christmas X3 amd my fav killer of all time is bob velseb even if hes not from a horror movie !!

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Reply by t0tallyn0tsalt


My all time favorite horror movie has to go the my beloved 1974, Black Christmas. It was the inspiration for many other horror films, including Halloween! It defiantly doesn't get all the love it deserves for basically starting the whole slasher craze.

Now, my favorite killer is a bit harder to decide, but I'm going to have to go with Vincent Sinclair from House of Wax (2005.) The movie is amazing in itself, the plot and backstory of the brothers is heart-wrenching to say the least (Of course, they are killers, so I don't feel too bad, but Vincent's motives are so sad T.T) 

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