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The Horror of a Real Case Documentary (Pray and Obey) WARNING: πŸ‡, incest, polygamy, arranged marriage, child abuse[...]

Posted by 死体 | Rhomaios


Forum: Oh, The Horror! Group


I was watching the Netflix documentary "Pray and Obey", Talks about a community called FDLS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), It was a type of community where leaders, called prophets, wrote books, said things, and everyone from this community, believed in everything. It was founded in 1952 (says one of the places I researched), it all happened in the United States, but specifically, Salt Lake, Texas, Arizona, Creek, , it was a cult actually, they valued polygamy, where the more wives you had, the closer you were to being a god, up to 70 wives from what I saw in the documentary, before 2002, the prophet was Rulen Jeffs, he was the form of god's message, he chose the wives, they were happy at the time when he ruled everything, they still did normal things, like having school education, festivals, things like that. But in 2002, at some point, Rulen had a stroke, and one of his sons, Warren Jeffs, took over everything, he turned it all into sex, female submission, human stupidity, He expelled from the cult all those who were at least intelligent, so that they would not be against it, and turned women, men, girls, boys and children into almost robots, controlling what they did, What they studied (they removed subjects that compromised religion, such as science), what they listened to, what women wore (jeans started to be banned, there were certain haircuts, French braids, no printed clothes) and now, polygamous marriage with girls began to be more frequent.

How were the wives choosen?

Β The prophets, so to speak, received messages from God, and God communicated to them, telling them who the women were who were ready, ready to conceive children, to get married, that's what happened with Warren, But when Rulen was the prophet, he just waited for the girls' parents to tell him when they were ready. When Warren took over, everything ended up becoming chaos, because he started expulsing people, and the surrounding communities, became curious to know where they were coming from, and then, that cult that was now famous, sought after.

Warren's prision:

It was only in 2006 that Warren was arrested, and when they went to the church, that huge, white church, they investigated everything, and the basement It was only in Augusto of 2006 that Warren was arrested, and when they went to the church, that huge, white church, they investigated everything, and in the basement, He had a big safe, where all the files were, all the women he had married, ALL YOUNG GIRLS, photos of them pregnant, of him kissing them, documents, pen drives, computers and cameras., everything he had confiscated as well. One of the documents said he had around 78 marriages, 24 of which were minors and many of which were his mother.

Warren got life in prison, which is 68 years at the moment .

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Reply by 死体 | Rhomaios


I thought it would be interesting to put this here since it's a group of horror stuff, I'm sorry if anything bothered you, and thanks for reading.

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