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I'm looking for foreign friends!

Posted by lizamii


Forum: Friends

how do Americans communicate?? I'm from Russia and I want foreign friends, but I don't really understand what they write!!! and I don't know much English at all..(I am writing through a translator...) It would be cool to find a bro who will help me ^_^

I've always wanted to make friends from other countries, but I didn't know where to look for them. I'm generally very awkward in communication, and it's hard for me to find a common language with someone.... I really have trouble communicating.

but I'm trying to change. 

in general, I will be glad if you write to me!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

I hope the translator translated everything correctly. . .

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Reply by S1Dativ


А вы не против друзей из России?)

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Reply by munchlax


I can help, although I dont speak any Russian.

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Reply by Venus ☆


Can we be friends? 

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