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why do i remember it?

I'm a big dreamer, but I tend to forget them as normal. Sometimes I don't forget the dream I just had and usually it's because it will happen one day. Today I had a dream where I was walking down an alley and on the other side of the sidewalk a guy was robbing an old man. So, this granpa simply points at me while talking to the dude, and he approaches me quickly, I obviously run away and arrive at a market that was about to close. What happens when I arrive and enter in search of shelter is that the subject does not try to enter the place, not even rest his feet on the edge of the door, he simply stays outside trying to reach me with his hands. When he sees that he can't reach me, he takes out a gun and shoots me in the leg. That's as far as my dream goes, and until now (5:00 pm) I haven't forgotten it, I remember in detail what happens in it. Should I be worried?

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Reply by moshka


No, muchos de esos sueños se generan por estrés, ansiedad y sobre pensar las cosas. 

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Reply by Nicole


You should rest assured there's no scars where you are. How many nightmares have you forgotten? Is simply remembering to exist? Or do you fear all that which you have forgotten in all its indeterminate horror? Obviously, you are much stronger than whatever caliber that assailant was packing, cause you probably kept walking around afterwards anyway. Don't let it get to your head in a bad way, write down your dreams and you will begin to remember them more frequently, and experience them more fully. These kinds of experiences can produce powerful impressions that may be disturbing or concerning, but truthfully there is nothing more concerning than the way that you will allow them, these products of yourself, to affect you, through your own interpretations and reactions. It is just a dream, so please, be relieved to wake up laughing :)

However to answer your question, you remember it because it really happened. It really did, I mean, you were there, you saw it with your own eyes, and it was noteworthy enough for you to decide to remember. But you're fine, aren't you?

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