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Black Humor Jokes.

Posted by Randy Lewisham


Forum: Religion and Philosophy

1. In New York. In a peaceful day like the others... A very young man named Spencer was leaning on his couch, staring at one of his pictures showing two towers. It, seemed familiar for him, but he shaked it off. Hours later, Spencer went to bed and was about to sleep. Until a thief broke his front door! With a gun on him. Spencer immediately ran to the thief, and he took his phone taping, 911.

But the thief said "You can't call them, because they all died in the two towers, dweeb." Once the thief said this.. Spencer eyes widened up! When his father was inside and died. It's in this time,  that Spencer breaks down, on the floor crying so desesperately from remembering this.. That even the thief spared Spencer from his attack and went away.

2. A nigerian man named Edem, decided to go in a restaurant. He was eating the food, but he made too much noises that the people were disturbed by it. An old woman came to Edem, she said "Young man! Your presence is darkening the whole restaurant!" As an expression to say that, Edem was disturbing everyone.

But Adam understood something else... He thought that, his dark skin color was the problem when the old woman said that. Edem went home and was taking a shower. He took an Extreme decoloring soap, that could remove his skin color, so he did, and after this shower, Edem became white.

Edem went outside to meet the nigerian people. And he met the old woman from earlier again.. Edem says "Greetings old woman. You said that my presence was darkening the restaurant.. There! I'm now clear so I can't dark anything, now." Once Edem said that, the old woman made a heart arrest.

3. A clever student, named Heiner Schafer. He's a german teenager, and in his next class, Heiner went to sit on his seat. He was the only german student in class, and the teacher told everyone to make a presentation of themselves!

Heiner really want to have a A+ for this work. So Heiner was the first one to raise his arm up in the air.. But, it looked like he was doing the nazi salute. But nobody in the class, knew that Heiner was german. The teacher gives the speech to Heiner, and Heiner is still raising his arm in the air so proud of himself!

Heiner says with confidence "I'm Heiner Schafer. And i'm a german stu-" He got cut when he said german. The teacher noticed how Heiner was still raising his arm in the air, similar to nazi salute, and that he has black hair, and that he has a moustache because of puberty, a name starting with the letter H. In the end of the day, Heiner got a F- because of that. ".. I will, get revenge!" Heiner said with determination, to exterminate all the English teachers.

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Reply by Randy Lewisham


If you want to share them, you can. But you must put write "Made by Finda" on those jokes.

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