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Tell me your favourite console, videogame and why do you like it.

Posted by str4wberrsara


Forum: Games

My favourite console is Wii U, but my favourite videogame is Tomodachi Life. I like them because the wii u is an infravalorated console that has so much potential if you mod it. For example, you can use pretendo if you mod it, since the servers fron nintendo have shut down but pretendo is recreating them. You also have a social media in it called miiverse that came to the 3ds too!!

My favourite game is Tomodachi Life because I LOVE, REALLY LOVE, to make my mii characters, ocs and real people fall in love in that game and it also has so much dramatomodachi life artboxWii u console

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Reply by Lemonxd66


My favorite console is the normal shitty pc. (i don't have favorite, sorry)

My favorite game is Sally face right now.

The game has an intersting plot and endind, i love ittttttttttttt

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Reply by Emilyy


I dont really have a favorite console but i guess its wii lol, and my fav game is roblox and just dance :p

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Reply by MelMellon


I LOVEEE my Wii U. I can show pictures later but I've decked it out with an external harddrive, GameCube adapter, and a bazillion games injected through Custom Firmware. I made a whole page on Backloggd just to keep track of all the stuff I have on it!!!

Favorite GAME meanwhile is a bit harder to answer, I love so many different games in so many different genres. My heart is forever with cool 2D Action/Platformers though, and there's no cooler game than Mega Man Zero in that vein. I can't pick a favorite between the four, so I'll just say the DS Mega Man Zero Collection as one entry!

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Reply by Athan


mine is totally lollipop chainsaw! it has really funny dialogue, a cool story, and the gameplay for it is just awesome! Juliet has easily become one of my favorite characters when I first saw her! As for console I'd say Xbox 360, I really like games from around the 2010s and the Xbox 360 has most of them!

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Reply by Midijunkie64


The 3ds It's the best portable console OF ALL TAYMEEE.

Got my 2ds in 2016 and I've been enjoying it ever since ^w^

Animal Crossing, Yo-Kai Watch, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion... There's just so many great games avaliable on there (including THE WHOLE FUCKIN' DS LIBRARY GAWD DAEEM)

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Reply by Midijunkie64


The 3ds It's the best portable console OF ALL TAYMEEE.

Got my 2ds in 2016 and I've been enjoying it ever since ^w^

Animal Crossing, Yo-Kai Watch, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion... There's just so many great games avaliable on there (including THE WHOLE FUCKIN' DS LIBRARY GAWD DAEEM)

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The Famicom(Family Computer) and favorite Game is: Brush Roller.


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Reply by Noelle Suplex


My favorite console is funnily enough a handheld because oh I have so much love in my body for the PSP. A great collection of games and the ability to do anything. It was my first real multimedia device and I lived out of that thing for such a long time. I listened to music, watched movies, downloaded my favorite internet sprite comics and read them on there.... oh and I played a game or two I think :p

Favorite game is such a hard thing to pick as it changes around a lot but my go-to evergreen answer is Sonic Adventure. The vibe, the aesthetic, the world. It's just perfection. I wish I could live in that world. The movement feels amazing, the multiple gameplay styles are fun, and never gets old. (aside from having to fight Chaos 4 in three different stories :p)

(I actually have a page on my website that is all about my favorite games)

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