« SpaceHey Forum

i cant post layouts

Posted by mikeš


Forum: SpaceHey

Hii everyone, i have a problem;

i like creating profile and blog layouts for fun, but when i want to post them in the layouts section, click on   Share a Layout  , it just says

Posing layouts is temporarily unavailable. Check back soon.

its been like his for months.

idk what to do. i might just have to share them as blog posts, but i think ppl wont be able to find them as easily ://

any ideas?

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Reply by sudofry


Nothing you can do. It's down until they fix it. Sharing them somewhere else is your only option for now.

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Reply by Abigblueworld


It was because of G*re spamming.

An is also just being a nickelpuss.

He should just remove the button if he doesn't want us to upload layouts anymore.

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