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Pissa iz good

Posted by Bigboyover9000


Forum: Food and Restaurants

You know... pizza toppings. Where do I even begin? I guess it's one of those things that gets you thinking, doesn’t it? Like, when you’re about to order, there’s this whole world of possibilities. Take pepperoni, for instance. It's... classic, right? That little kick of spice, and the way it crisps up on the edges when it’s cooked just right. Mmm. And, oh, when you pair it with cheese—melted cheese... That reminds me, speaking of melted cheese, did you ever notice how some cheeses melt better than others? Like mozzarella... It’s like the king of melting, but then you have cheddar which doesn’t quite stretch in the same way but adds that sharp bite. Makes me wonder who figured out the perfect balance for pizza in the first place.

I guess we all have a favorite topping. Like, mushrooms—they’re earthy. Kind of... grounding? Is that the right word? Anyway, some people don’t like them, which is surprising because mushrooms have this umami thing going on. Have

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